Thursday, June 18, 2009

An Ode to Mrs. D...

Kelli busted me. hey kelli! (i'm so sorry about your friend) Well I've sat down to post a few times in the last week and just ened up giving up on blogger. am i the only one with this problem? it drives me crazy that posting a few pics can turn into brain surgery...i don't have the patience. i even downloaded the windows live in hopes of making it a little easier, and what do you know, i can't figure out how to blog using that thing either. i'll keep working on it. so word on the street says a little well known blog that i've been reading was a fraud. are we really that surprised...people are wild and bold in real life, so why would'nt they be even bolder on the internet. cfhusband put up a great post on how to detech these said blogs from the get go. thanks nate! and moving on....who else is obsessed with i just love her and her site. she's so sassy and i love it. her recipes are to die for and she has sinlge handedly put me on the fast track to becoming a domestic diva. ha! i said diva. corey and i are leaving next week for our anniversary trip, we put the kaboosh on turks this year and are going to lake hamilton in hot springs instead....mama wanted new furniture. so we are doing the lake thing instead of the whole arlington spa deal which we did last year. the beach will have to wait ;(. sara is in heat so that has been just awesome. good thing i shrunk those string bikinis i bought last week at vs. they fit her perfectly, it's pretty cute, gross, but cute. well i need to get back to work so ya'll have a great day and weekend!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Bad Blogger

So I know I'm a flake. I thought I was ready to get back into the swing of things and well.....that was 5 weeks ago. I digress. I have things to say, a few pics to post, and even a comedic story or two....but no desire to mess with any of it. I don't know if me being on a computer all day has anything to do with it or not. So anyway I will try to get myself together soon and comply with the rest of you. Have a great weekend ya'll.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Hiatus, New Floors, & Marriage

Wow! I think I've sat silent long enough. Although I've been very busy I often think about the old blog....I guess I wasn't as with it as I thought.

In other news....Wayne (my-bro-in-law), is home finally! He will undergo months of vigorous physical therapy but he is alive and well! He has a very long road ahead but we are keeping the faith. God is so good!!!

We FINALLY got our new floors, pics coming soon.....hopefully sooner rather than later :)

Oh my sweet sweet husband, oh how I love you so. Corey and I are evolving, we're in this for the long haul so we evolve together. I'm saying this so I can remember the good along with the not so good. I'm so lucky to have such a great partner in life. The last few months have been very emotional and seeing the light feels good. HOW ABOUT THIS WEATER??? Anyway, I love you baby, thanks for being YOU.

Have a great week if anyone is reading, it's spring ;)


Wednesday, February 18, 2009


My brother-in-law Wayne, has just been diagnosed with Guillian-Barre Syndrome at Trinity Mother Francis in Tyler. He is very critical and heading for the ICU. Please pray for healing and for comfort for my sister-in-law Aimee, their two children Katelynn Victoria and Jacob. I'll post more when we hear the results of the spinal tap. Thanks, our family appreciates it more than you know.


Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tuesday's Gone...

Tuesday Fiona Whitt

October 11, 2006 - January 30, 2009

"The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."

Job 1:21


Monday, January 26, 2009

Wild Blue Yonder...

Hey guys! No, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth as it seems. Between going to the ER, Corey being out of town and having ALL the floors replaced in our's been very busy around here. Sorry I haven't been blogging, it's just too crazy right now. I give ya'll my word I'll be back soon with some pretty interesting stories....believe me, they will be worth the wait ;). Until then, please pray for Harper, keep your head up and remember to love the way you want to be loved. xoxo


Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Why Jaron McTee of course. Jaron is my little, well ONLY, brother! He is a senior at the University of Arkansas, works for Kellogg, and has a precious girlfriend named Sagen. I am so lucky to have such a great sibling. Growing up, he was always there to see me through the good times and bad. Lots of break-ups, getting busted, and days of skipping school later, he's still one of my best friends. Jaron is one of those people that lacks tact. If he feels it, he shares it. He has a very uncanny way of getting his opinion stated No.Matter.What. That's what I love about him, he cares enough to tell you the truth even if it hurts. So Jaron, thanks for sticking by me. I'm proud of you, I love you and I can't wait to see you! xoxo

Jaron & Sagen 2008

He has mad skills (don't be jealous)... our cousin Brent's wedding 2008

and yes, he's always been this good ;)....he's Mr. Feel Good in this moment...


Wordless Wednesday...


Saturday, January 10, 2009

10 Things...

1. I order all my salads with no lettuce.

2. The color of my underwear always coordinates with the shirt I'm wearing.

3. My wedding cost $135.

4. I've had 13 different jobs.

5. I'll eat pretty much anything if you put buffalo sauce on it.

6. When I see a man cry, I cry.

7. My husband and I live in an RV during racing season.

8. I never pump my own gas.

9. I'm left handed.

10. I've never been able to snap my fingers or whistle.


Friday, January 9, 2009

Introducing....The Joy of New Life

James Ryan Young...

“For this boy I prayed, and the LORD has given me my petition which I asked of Him. “So I have also dedicated him to the LORD; as long as he lives he is dedicated to the LORD.”
1 Samuel 1:27

( I haven't fallen off the face of the earth...I've just been in a blogging funk. The holidays left me exhausted. I'll get back with it soon. xoxo )
